Hermite-Hadamard inequalities for exponential type harmonically $ ( \alpha, s)_{h}$-convex functions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of mathematics, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria.

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences. University of Lagos, Nigeria.


In this paper, the authors study and introduce some new integral forms of Hermite-Hadamard inequalities in the form of harmonically convex functions known as exponential type harmonically $ (\alpha, s)_{h}$-convex function. Additionally, several special characteristics of this class of functions are examined. More precisely, the authors provide some properties and characteristics related to the Hermite-Hdamard inequality for harmonically $ (\alpha, s)_{h}$-convex function, applications of this work with certain examples are made to establish results obtained.


Main Subjects

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