Weakly $S$-prime hyperideals

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Imam Khomeini, International University, Qazvin, Iran


‎‎The purpose of this paper is presenting a new expansion class, namely weakly ‎$‎n‎$‎-ary ‎$‎S‎$‎-prime hyperideals in Krasner ‎$‎(m,n)‎$‎-hyperrings. In summary, we give an extension of ‎‎$‎n$-ary $‎S‎$‎-prime hyperideals. Some results and examples are given to explain the structure of this new concept. Moreover, a version of Nakayama‎$‎^,‎$‎s Lemma is considered on commutative Krasner ‎$‎(m,n)‎$‎-hyperrings.


Main Subjects

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Available Online from 29 January 2025
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  • Revise Date: 12 November 2024
  • Accept Date: 29 January 2025